Monday 12 September 2016

How to Make 1000 Dollars Fast - 100 Definitive Ongoing Ways to Make Money Fast

How to make $1000 dollars fast
How to make $1000 dollars fast

Knowing how to make 1000 dollars fast can help you to get access to money quickly. Coming up with 1000 dollars quickly requires skill, ingenuity and unwavering determination. Most people will turn to online payday loans or online cash advances however if you think for a moment there are other ways to raise cash fast. In this blog post we look at ways to make 1000 dollars fast. I will be adding to this post every time I get a new idea or suggestion to make $1000 quickly.
All these ideas can be implemented legally without a job, some of the suggestions can be implemented online for kids. Even a 10 year old can start some of the suggestions in this post. So relax, open your mind and embrace some of the ideas to make 1000 dollars fast. This post will eventually suggest 100 ways to make 1000 dollars fast so make sure you bookmark it.

QUICK NOTE: Before we get onto the strategies to make $1000 dollars fast be sure to check out other money making posts below. All these strategies and ideas are legal and legitimate and you can supplement your income if you immerse yourself into the ideas. Good Luck

Make Money Quickly Strategies

1: Donate Plasma 10 Times to Make $1000

If you’re relatively healthy you could find blood banks which compensate you for your plasma. There is a great shortage of plasma and clinics are prepared to pay handsomely for the blood which is why this is a quick money making method. The procedure is relatively painless! the clinics stick a needle inside your vein and remove the blood. The blood is then separated from the plasma and returned to the body. If you can find a clinic willing to pay $100 per donation all you need to do is donate your blood 10 times over 3 weeks to raise $1000 fast.

2: Rent Your Attic Space out for $1000 in Advance

De-cluttering is one of the most popular words on the internet. Individuals and families are taking a minimalist approach and removing all their clutter. Sometimes these items are sold or given away, other times they are stored. The cost of professional storage is high so if you can offer a similar secure service in a safe neighborhood you could charge a lot of money for it. Suppose you cleared your attic and offered the entire space for $1000 per year you will receive a lot of interest. Insist on upfront payment and make sure the space is safe, clean and secure. To clinch the deal draw up some storage contracts which adds professionalism to your service. Making 1000 dollars fast using storage space is becoming popular, rent your space out now.

3: Make 1000 Dollars Selling Options

Conservative investors make a lot of money selling put options. This investment strategy consists of finding a handful of high quality stocks and then working out their support levels. When the stock starts to slide these conservative investors sell puts to receive income. If they stock starts to rise again and the option expires worthless the investor gets to keep the money. If the stock continues to slide the option can be rolled further down until the position becomes profitable. Search for generating income by selling puts for more in depth analysis. You could easily make 1000 dollars per month if you know exactly what you’re doing.

4: Make more than 1000 Dollars Promoting High Paying Affiliates

Find a high paying affiliate program such as Capital Finance which pays $150 every time a customer signs up. Join the affiliate program and create a bespoke website reviewing in detail the product. You should aim to create at least 50 posts quickly (5 per day). These posts should be search engine optimized to ensure high rankings on search results. Go to Google Adwords and generate campaigns to get traffic for money. If you spend 1000 dollars to get 6000 visitors per month and 5% sign up you could make $45,000 per month. It is possible. There are some marketers who make more than $100,000 per month using quick money making methods like these.

5: Make Candles and Sell them on eBay for $1000 Dollars

Shoppers love scented candles. If you can learn how to make candles and then ass essential oils to them and package them properly you could make a lot of money. Making candles is very cheap and the profit margin is high, if you can sell each pack for a $2 margin after postage and packaging this means you only need to sell 500 per month to generate $1000. Your revenue and profits will grow the more you market your product. If you introduce more products you could make more money.

6: Join Revenue Sharing Websites

Another great way to make 1000 dollars fast is to join revenue sharing websites. These websites allow you to write and publish high quality content. Once the articles are published they are sprinkled with ads from Google Adsense, whenever a reader other than the author clicks on these ads revenue is generated and shared with the publisher. There are plenty of people earning 1000 dollars per month passively, some are reported to have earned more than $10,000 per month. The best way to proceed is to become an expert on search engine optimization and then write thoroughly researched articles on a keyword that has a high click through rate and revenue. If you just write without search engine optimization in mind you will earn a few dollars a month.

7: Take Part in Medical & Clinical Trials  

Pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer, Merck and other University medical departments are always introducing new drugs, before they can get these drugs approved they need to test to see how patients react. You can sign up for these trials and be compensated for your time. Compensation rates vary depending on how much time you need to spend in the clinic. Typically you can get anything between $100 to $500. By signing up for a handful of clinical trials you could easily make $1000 quickly, the only downside is potentially dangerous side effects.

8: Find Better Investments and Make $1000 Quickly

If you've got money saved but you don't want to dip into your capital you could find investments that pay a better return. Suppose you have $50,000 in your savings account earning 2% interest you will receive $1000 per year. Suppose you were to find an investment which paid 4%, this means you would receive $2000 per year. You could then withdraw the $1000 and invest the money into the higher paying investment vehicle. Your capital would grow to what it was originally and you would be able to extract $1000 quickly.

9: Busk in a Popular Location with High Foot Fall  

Knowing how to play a musical instrument can be very handy. Suppose you can string together a decent tune and have an satisfactory voice you could start busking for money. Depending on how good you are you could earn $100 to $200 busking in up market locations. Find an affluent area and then find a location which has a high footfall and permits busking. Put a polite notice next to you asking for money and then start performing. Depending on the location, musical talent and instrument you could earn a nice income.

10: Take on Lodgers Who Pay Rent in Advance

Renting out your spare bedroom by asking for rent in advance could solve your financial problems. Suppose the monthly going rate for a room is $300, this means an average lodger would have to pay $3600 per year. Now suppose you offer your room for $2000 per year but you insist on having the rent in advance. With this type of agreement both the tenant and landlord win. The landlord get their hands on the much needed money while the tenant bags a fantastic bargain.

11: Sleep in Your Vehicle for 1000 Dollars Fast

Desperate times call for desperate measures. One way to make 1000 dollars fast is to rent your home out for a short period of time. By short period I mean 3 to 6 months, there is demand for short term contracts by home buyers who have sold their property but have not yet bought their own. These home buyers are reluctant to get into yearly contracts and look for short term rental contracts. If you can advertise your home for 3 months for $3000 in advance and sleep rough in your car while using supermarket amenities you could solve your financial problems quickly. Insist on the money upfront and have contracts drawn up that only allow the tenants to remain for 3 months. Make sure you check the references and credit report as the last thing you need are problems from your tenants.

12: Sell Amazon Products to make $10,000 per Month

You did read the title right. There are internet marketers who earn up to $10,000 per month just by writing in depth articles and reviews on Amazon products. One publisher in particular who goes by the name of Skeffling has reported to have made $10,000 per month and then gone on to make more. Most of the reviews are written through online publisher which shares Amazon Affiliate revenue. If you enjoy browsing for popular products and can put two sentences together you should try to write 10 search engine optimized reviews for high ticket products. If you get a high placement on search engines your review could generate monthly passive income.

13: Create an Investment Club and Make Money on Recommendations

Recruit 10 people into an investment club. Make sure these novice investors have plenty of money. Find excellent investment opportunities and make recommendations and then earn income on affiliate sales or commission from the product provider. Suppose you have 10 investors in your club and you can convince them to open a Betterment Account to manage their investments. You will receive $100 per account which works out to be $1000 in total. If you can find excellent investment opportunities you could continue to do this and receive royalty payments as long as the investment is in effect.

14: Set Up Premium Line Telephone Service and Make $1000's

You set up a premium line telephone and then offer a service which is in demand - use your imagination! You advertise these services on the back of magazines and then receive calls from men and women who want to talk. You can charge up to $1 per minute for these calls and if you can get 1000 minutes of calls per month you will earn $1000. Before you set up a premium line telephone number make sure you check the start up costs, you should also analyze to see if there is demand for the service you are providing.

15: Start Freelancing Your Talents

Over the past decade there has been a tremendous rise in outsourcing and freelancing. More businesses are looking to cut costs by hiring workers without offering the company perks. If you've got a talent like book keeping, search engine optimization, typing or data entry you should join sites like and If you offer a competitive service and have the experience to back up your skills you could make anything between $500 to $10,000 per month depending on your productivity.

16: Rent You Car Out in Advance for 1000 Dollars

Having a decent car can be an asset if used properly. You could try renting your car out for a specific period of time for money in advance. I know people who rent out their luxury cars for $100 per week. If you can rent your car out for 2 months you could get anything between $500 to $1000. The key is to charge the vehicle in advance, the renter must pay the deposit and rental amount so you can get your hands on the money when you need it. Make sure you check the motorist out to see if they have a clean driving license, also check to see if they have a criminal conviction. You should also make sure the driver is insured just in case the vehicle is damaged. 

17: Share You Opinion and Make 1000 Dollars Fast

Being very opinionated is sometimes a good characteristic. The perfect way to share your opinions might be to blog about them online to develop a following. I know bloggers such as Pat Flynn and Victor Pride who make $40,000 and $10,000 per month respectively. Creating a blog takes time and patience. Think about something you feel passionate about, think whether other people share your views. Make sure you start as a professional blogger from the get go, this means having a professional blog with a clean interface and your own domain and hosting. Create something you can be proud of and then add quality content with search engine optimization in mind. Write 5 quality blog post per day and within a month you'll have a significant following. Advertise using Google Adsense and affiliate marketing and it's almost certain you'll make a $1000 fast.

18: Sell Your Breast Milk and Get $1000 Fast

Searches on Google will reveal an incredible demand for breast milk. This unusual demand comes from mothers who have difficulty breast feeding so they purchase the milk online. Other sources of demand are from kinky customers who get a feeling of high drinking breast milk. If you've just given birth and have an abundant supply of milk you could sell this online. The best way to do this is by supplying for a fixed period of time and charging for the service in advance. As the demand for the milk is high these terms are likely to be accepted. If you can continue the process for as long as you can you could create a nice passive residual income on the side.

19: I Need to Make 1000 Dollars Fast? Sell Your Hair

Like breast milk and plasma the human hair is also in demand and there is an incredibly appetite to purchase other people's hair to make natural wigs and extensions. A good quality natural wig can set you back $500. If you've got good quality natural hair that't not damaged or colored you could make a lot of money. Search for hair buyers in your locality and send a sample. If you have long hair you could charge anything between $500 and $1000 depending on how many wigs they can make from your hair. There's nothing stopping you from repeating the process and earning more money every time your hair grows back.  

20: House Swap for $1000 Contracts

If you're trying to figure out how to come up with 1000 Dollars fast you could consider house swapping or house sitting. House swapping means exchanging your home with another person of family. Paying a higher rent for excess space is a waste of money, if you can downsize and find a smaller home in exchange for your home you could potentially save thousands of dollars. Search for a house swapping service and move to an area where rents are cheaper, you could then another family who is willing to go into your home and pay the extra rent. The difference between the two rents are the profit your could potentially make. 

21: House Sit to Get 1000 Dollars Fast

House sitting is incredibly profitable. House sitting involves taking care of other people's homes for a fee while staying in the property. If you're prepared to move around all the time and can work from home then this is an ideal solution to come up with 1000 dollars quickly. The first saving you'll make is not having to pay rent, the second incentive is being paid to maintain the property and deter burglars from breaking and entering the property. You could charge anything between $500 to $2000 per month depending on the size of the property and wealth of the owners.

22: Cut Costs to a Bare Minimum 

Figuring out how to make a thousand dollars is a challenge some are unwilling to take part in. What you could do instead is figure out ways to cut $1000 from your monthly budget. Suppose you need $1000 right now you could reduce your usage of gas, electricity, water, services. You could save money by reducing grocery bills drastically. The idea is to look at all your monthly expenses and shave $1000 off it so you can reach your target. This process is incredibly hard but rewarding at the same time, this cost cutting exercise will save you money and develop frugal habits so you can improve your finances over the long term.

23: Sell Scrap Metal and Come up With 1000 Dollars Fast

The price of metal is only going in one direction and that's up. Most households are unwittingly unaware of this phenomenon and throw out valuable pieces of metal without knowing the true value. Copper, Alloys, Palladium and Aluminium are some of the metals which could bag you a lot of money. You could take advantage of this by driving around your neighborhood looking for scrap metal. Once you find something promising ask the owner before you take it and then have it valued at your local scrap yard and exchange it for money.

24: Switch Bank Accounts for Family Members

Another quick way to make $1000 fast is to find bank account which offer incentives. If you live in the UK you will find bank accounts such as Halifax and First Direct offering £100 incentives to switch accounts. If you have a satisfactory credit score then you can earn £200 straight away, if you can convince 5 family members to switch you could make £1000 right away. Bank switching in the UK has an automatic 7 day transfer of regular payments guarantee which takes the hassle out of changing bank account. You can also do this in the US when you find accounts which have incentives with it.

25 - Write a Ebook and Sell on Kindle

If you can write creatively or have access to information that makes you an expert you should try to write a useful and resourceful eBook to sell for a profit. There are so many badly written books on Kindle where the author is making tremendous amounts of money because it has a catchy title. If you can write content professionally and then format the book so its practical and resourceful you could sell the immediate rights to the book or even put it on Amazon Kindle Ebooks to generate passive income. I know authors who have spend 7 days writing a resourceful well formatted book with a catchy title and front page and are now making tens of thousands of dollars every month.

26 - Apply for Grants from Philanthropic Foundations

Philanthropists such as Bill and Melinda Gates offer grants through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. These grants are offered to people who can make a contribution in the field the foundation is trying to impact. You can find a full list of all the Grants on offer on the site by going to the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. At the time of writing this post there were opportunities for students to write papers on how to combat poverty in African countries. If you consider yourself a brain-box this is definitely worth trying.  

27 - Make Arts & Crafts and Sell on Etsy

Arts and crafts are in demand. People love buying arts and crafts online. If you have an artistic streak you could create your own arts and crafts and sell them on sites like Before you start to some research to find items which are in demand. Order the product and then try to create something that's better. You should also reach out to sellers on and so you can ask for advice and guidance. Once you've created your product you can start marketing it on Etsy. Create a great display and have a incredible description. Promote the page using Facebook, Twitter, and other social media websites. Write articles on revenue sharing websites to get word out about your product. Continually reach out to buyers through networking. If you have a great product which is in demand you could make $1000 per month easily.

28 - Rent Out Your Car on Peer to Peer Renting Sites

If you have access to a vehicle which is less than 10 years you could rent it out on peer to peer vehicle lending sites. offers motorists the chance to rent their cars out. You could also turn this into a business if you wish. Do some background research and to find the cars which are rented out the most. Cross reference this list with cars which are reliable and have low running costs such as insurance. With the remaining list reach out to peer to peer lending sites to ask for their advice and guidance. Once you have all the information you can buy the car and then rent it out every day. If you charge $33 dollars per day you could easily make $1000 per month. You could invest in an upmarket car. There is less demand for these cars but you can rent them out for more.

29 - Sell Semen Regularly to Generate Passive Income

Sperm donations are in demand. There are millions of women who want to be impregnated but don't have partners or have infertile partners. If you have all the characteristics of being a manly man your sperm donation could be in demand. If you're tall, dark, handsome, athletic and intelligent you'll be able to donate your sperms on a regular basis. Start by finding all the clinics which accept sperm donations. While you do your research take time to improve your health and well being. Before the clinic takes your sample they will do a full health check to see the condition of your body and sperm. Once you've been given the all clear you can start donating to the clinics on a regular basis. If you can donate 6 times a week and receive $50 as compensation you could easily make $1000 per month on a regular basis.  

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Before you apply for those pesky online cash loans and installment loans be sure to try some of the suggestions on this page as you might save a lot of money. Every week I will be adding more ways to make 1000 dollars fast so make sure you bookmark this post. Feel free to share this post with other people who might benefit from it and feel free to leave a comment as it’s always a joy to hear from readers.


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